
news and views from michael rollins in tokyo

Category: General (page 2 of 7)

Comments Enabled

Okay, folks, I finally found the right setting in WordPress to enable comments, so… post away!

New Blog

I realized that one of the reasons why I had become so loathe to blog anything was my dissatisfaction with Movable Type. Over the weekend I migrated over to WordPress in an extremely painless process facilitated by my ISP Intermedia, and while I was at it also installed a photo gallery program so I don’t have to keep uploading images through some clunky blog interface. The export/import process was super easy as well, making me wonder why I didn’t do it earlier. Because this installation of WP is a “hosted application” provided by the ISP I don’t have complete control over the design and interface, but images and basic CSS are available for tweaking so I’ve been playing with those to get the UI in shape.

Anyway, it’s Monday and another busy week. I’ll be heading to Kumamoto at the end of the week to join Rie and Mia as we head into Baby Countdown again. She’s not due until late in the month, but all indications suggest she’ll be early, and so will I be in getting down there. Looks to be an exciting trip…


Sorry for the long hiatus. Little time for blogging lately, I’m afraid.

We leave for the US tomorrow, taking Mia overseas for the first time (at 8 months!) to introduce her to friends and fambly. We’ll also squeeze in a Texas Wedding while we’re there, which if nothing else will give all those far-flung relatives a chance to meet up, catch up, and enjoy the Springtime sun. After Texas it’s Utah and then Portland, so hope to see you along the way if you happen to be close!

New Site

Finally finished work on this corporate site. ColdFusion and IIS with a SQL Server back-end, and SEO’d using a combination of dynamic pages and descriptive URLs. Includes a fully bi-lingual, custom-built CMS, style-sheet switcher (for accessibility), tracking redirects and other goodies.

The Daily Show

…with Jon Stewart is fantastic!! I had no idea I was missing such good television. (And to think that all this time I’ve been suffering through CNN and correspondents like that Quest wanker.) What great news that I can see The Daily Show on the Internet now. Check out Tokin’ Effort for a great laugh!

The latest news from Microsoft

…is that now JPGs can infect and destroy your computer. It was just a matter of time, I suppose. First there were the server exploits, then macro viruses, then remote execution via HTML email, then “malicious” web pages, and now… naughty images. What are Microsoft systems going to be vulnerable to next, loud noises? (”I don’t care if it’s Aphex Schwinn, turn that goddamn music DOWN!”) I think they should fire that army of programmers and hire one geek that can write ten lines of code without embedding an unchecked buffer in there somewhere. I mean, COME ON, GUYS. Do I have to buy a friggin’ Mac now or what??

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