The erection (as we call it here in Japan) concerns and mystifies me. As I watch state after state go red on my (elitist, liberal) NPR election map, I have to ask myself: how can the entire rest of the planet (yes, the entire world!) see Bush for the inept and misquided cretin that he is, as well as the huge negative impact he is having on America and the world at large, yet the Americans themselves just don’t get it? I mean, how many episodes of Cops and Fox News and Rush Limbaugh does it take to produce an electorate that could actually RE-ELECT this prick?

Make no mistake about it: Bush is NOT making the world safer for Americans, unless you consider his idea of Fortress America (One Bible and one gun for every man, woman and child, hallelujah!) a step in the right direction. You thought the extremists were pissed off before? That was nothing compared to what’s coming next. Let’s see what Joe Fucking America has to say about the war on terror once the body bags start stacking up. All the patriotic, Hollywood-fueled goo-gah freedom bullshit they’ve been shoving down your throats is going to start tasting a lot less sweet, friends.

C’mon, Ohio. Work with me, baby…