
It’s hanami season again in Tokyo, arriving this time earlier than I or anyone else expected. The weather’s been complete shite, making for less than ideal flower-viewing conditions. Thursday, a holiday, was overcast and very windy. Five of us went out to Inokashira Park and spent the afternoon drinking sake, eating picnicy fare, and having all exposed skin buffed to a polished sheen by the wind-blown sand from across the way. Still, all in all, good fun.

Friday I worked all day and relaxed in the evening, and then Saturday spent the day running around town for failed hanami (too cold and wet) or other small parties around town, finishing the night off at the Fiddler before calling it a night.

It’s Sunday now, and the weather looks the best it has in four days. The sun is out the sky looks clear (it’s 10:10 AM) and I’m off to to Yoyogi Park to meet a couple of groups of friends for more hanami, some wine, cheese, sake and (hopefully) fun in the sun. Let’s hope the weather (and the cherry blossoms!) hold up…